The Complex
These are interesting, fun, and they have seen a ton of hype recently. A complex is essentially a resistance circuit that is done without letting go of the implement used. With complexes you want to move swiftly through a set number of exercises (usually 8-10 repetitions) without setting the weight down and without using poor technique. Due to the nature of the complex, you should use a weight that is light enough to complete the prescribed repetitions on the most difficult exercise used. Complexes can be done with barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, sandbags or even weight plates.
A basic barbell complex can look like this:
(All exercises done with 8 repetitions)
- Power Clean
- Front Squat
- Push Press
- Bentover Row
- Straight Leg Deadlift
Or this:
- Snatch
- Walking Lunge
- Good Morning
- Push Press
- Bentover Row
Progressing the complex is as simple as adding weight, sets, or speed. For more variations and information check out the following sites:
Complexes 2.0 by John Romaniello
Rebuild Yourself With Complexes by Dan John
Dan John's Complexes
For more detailed info about Complexes, be sure to check out the new book by Robert dos Remedios, CSCS called 'Cardio Strength Training'. This is one awesome book that is guaranteed not to disappoint.
Lastly, here's a cool video by Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, as he demonstrates his Turbulence Training Barbell Complex:
Train hard & stay strong!
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