I was reading through some of the latest & greatest news, nutrition and workout tips on MensHealth.com and came across and interesting write up. Featured in the 'Men's Health Daily Dose' was a workout titled "The 9-9-9 Workout" created by fitness expert David Jack.
Here's an overview of what it consists of. The 9-9-9 Workout entails that you complete 4 exercises for 9 reps each for 9 rounds in 9-minutes or less. Your pace is determined by fitness level and you can rest as needed between each exercise. In other words, you simply go by "feel".
Again, complete a total of 9 rounds in 9-minutes or less. That constitutes 1 round. Rest for 2-minutes and repeat the workout again for round #2.
The goal is the same as round #1 - complete the workout for 9 rounds in 9-minutes or less.
Given the criteria for the workout, I decided to give it shot. Before starting, I choose to change things a bit and 'tweak' the 9-9-9 workout to my liking. As most of you know, I'm all about creating a challenge and going full throttle! Not that the 9-9-9 workout wasn't challenging enough. I just wanted to change the exercises and see what I could create.
In the end I came up with an awesome, heart thumping, ball busting, kick ass workout.
I call it....
This workout was a BEAST to say the least! It showed no mercy but I knuckled down and managed to finish my 1st round in 7:41 and my 2nd round in 8:52 - just under the 9 minute mark! I then recovered for 2 minutes and cranked out a 4-exercise core challenge finisher for 2 rounds, 30 seconds each.
Check it out:
The 9-9-9 Mayhem Blast
Instructions: Perform 9 reps of each exercise for 9 rounds in 9 minutes or less. Rest for 2-minutes & repeat again for round #2.
1) DB Goblet Squat x9
2) Pushup Position Rows (R&L) x9/side
3) DB Push Press x9
4) Burpees x9
Rest for 2-minutes then crank out the 'Finisher' below:
Finisher: 30 seconds each exercise, 2 rounds non-stop
1) Spiderman Planks
2) L-situps - R
3) Planks to Pushups
4) L-situps - L
So there you have it! One results driven workout that's guaranteed to torch body fat and boost your metabolism for hours!
Give it a shot and CRANK IT!!
Now....where's that puke bucket?! Just kidding!
Sort of! HA!
This looks awesome - wanna try it out!
But what is an L and R designation on an L-sit up??
Plawrence - The L and R desgination is for R = right side and L = left side. I hope that helps clarify things.
Thanks for checking out my blog.
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