Monday, November 10, 2014

The Power of Upgrading Your Quality of Life

It amazes me when I converse with folks who have 'given up on themselves' before they even begin to give themselves a chance.

Let me elaborate a bit.

The opportunity to connect with someone who's eager to 'upgrade' their life because they're simply sick & tired of being 'sick & tired' is what I do as a fitness professional - to help you explore every potential avenue of personal success as it relates to optimal prep for your mindset, fueling/nutrition, training & recovery. This is what resonates with EVERYTHING that encompasses who you are as an individual!

Excitement sets in knowing that they've taken an important, and significant step, to inquire about our programs and services and what we, together as a TEAM, can do to get to the desired end result....and then some.

To come back and state, "I don't think I'm the right fit for your program", makes me wonder the state of mind the person is in. Without stepping foot into our facility, to take time to sit down and truly converse about the challenges/obstacles that inhibits progression, to deny the contingency of a life-changing experience for oneself is denying the freedom to break away from the darkness one may be in. The place they so desperately want to break away from but refuse to do so because of a thing called 'Fear'!

We can’t be afraid to venture out of the tiny circle(s) of comfort we build for ourselves simply because it feels good. You’ll never know of the amazing opportunities that are waiting to be discovered if we only dare to stay put without seeking the adventures of exploration.

What may seem good at the moment may be the very reason why we become blind to the vast & many things/opportunities that may be better for us in the long run!

Just know that YOU have the power to upgrade the quality of your life…..if you seek to do so!

It comes down to finding your inner truth and embracing the process of exploration. 

The fascinating thing is to discover what has yet to be while recognizing the amazing things that empower and enrich our lives along the way! 


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